A (very) small step toward Hollywood

One of our long-term goals is to write for movies and TV. One of the big hurdles in getting there is building a resume — people don’t want to hire you until you’ve written a film that gets made, and you can’t write a film that gets made until someone hires you. The Catch-22 is the bane of many aspiring screenwriters, even ones with a publishing track record like Scott Sigler, one of our company co-founders (the other being me).

So when an opportunity comes up to write for an established indie director who has a track record of actually getting things made, you jump at it — even if the movie is only three minutes long.

Scott wrote the screenplay THE PRESENT for director Adrian Picardi. Adrian is entering the picture in the Moment Invitational Film Festival — a festival featuring three-minute films that were shot exclusively on cell phones. This dark noir mini-movie stars Steven Ogg (THE WALKING DEAD, GRAND THEFT AUTO V), Kelly Thiebaud (GENERAL HOSPITAL) and Jordan Matlock (ROT).

Let me tell you this — three minutes is not much time to tell a compelling story. Scott and Adrian took on the challenge, combining to make this dark, surprising tale.

FUN FACT: To share the pain, Scott wrote the script on an iPhone, using Final Draft.

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