The Empty Set 2013 Year in Review

[Cross posted from]

Our annual Year In Review tradition continues!  Click here to listen!

If you’ve never heard our rambling year end recaps, be forewarned: it’s a hour-long schmooze fest where Scott and I recount the year, talking business behind-the-scenes, cool projects, and this year … a big announcement at the end!

Matching guns, yo!


And in 2014? J.C. Hutchins joins forces with Empty Set Entertainment to curate the GFL novellas into print and e- collections, and to write one of his own! This might be my favorite gift this holiday season!

Don’t see a “play” button above? Click here to download.

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  1. Arioch Morningstar

    Given that THE RIDER still isn’t out, I’m guessing @JCHutchins novella collaboration is a ways off too, right?