Meet the Makers: Scott E. Pond Designs

I’m introducing a new feature here at called “Meet the Makers,” where I’m going to profile creators we love. It follows that this feature will showcase lots of the folks we work with to put out our books and products. As such, there’s really no better place to start than with Scott E. Pond […]

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So You Wanna Be A Writer #4 — The Trap of “Perfect”

The fourth video in our continuing series “So You Wanna Be A Writer” featuring Scott Sigler! So when is a book “finished”? When do you send that sucker off to agents, editors, publishers, readers, Amazon, etc? In this episode, Scott talks about the trap of perfection — there is only one factory in your company, […]

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So You Wanna Be A Writer #3 — Should You Outline?

The third video in our continuing series “So You Wanna Be A Writer” featuring Scott Sigler! “Should I outline my book, or just start writing and see where it goes?” Another extremely common question from aspiring novelists. In this video, Scott gives you the run-down. Not so much about which ways one can outline, but […]

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So You Wanna Be A Writer #2 — The Big-Ass Binder!

The second video in our continuing series “So You Wanna Be A Writer” featuring Scott Sigler! “Hey, Sigler, how do you organize your research?” I get asked this all the time, and my answer is old-school — I use a big-ass binder. This video walks you through my process. Maybe it can help you be […]

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So You Wanna Be A Writer? A YouTube series for your faces.

Of all the questions Scott gets asked over and over, at every con, every book reading, and every day by DM or Facebook message or email … among the most frequent is “What advice do you have for me? How do I become a writer?” In this video, he tells you how he did it. […]

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Origin Stories and Origin Stori

Earlier in the month I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down to chat about all things Creative Adjacent with John Mierau. (Wait, stop right here. If you’re not yet familiar with John Mierau and his stories, then you are in for a treat when you’re done reading this post. Once you are, head over […]

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Dragon*Con 2015 Schedule

It’s time for one of our favorite cons, DragonCon in Atlanta, This year Scott’s all over the con, so catch him while you can. If you’re coming to the con, make sure you come see us, even if it’s at the Hilton bar!  We’ll see you soon! Fictional Writing and Skepticism Friday 9/4, 1:00pm • Hilton 207 / 206 / […]

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The fight I want to be fighting.

Earlier this week I was talking with Donna, the Diva of Design, who does interior design for our print books among other graphic design work for Empty Set and many other lucky clients. We are friends and colleagues, and were catching up on all sort of things.  During our discussion she said “It’s just not the […]

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What to expect here at

While I will continue to post things at, and (someday) when he’s not under dual deadlines (which will happen someday if it kills me) Scott will probably blog over here — now that Empty Set Entertainment is branching off into new things, it seemed like the right time to break out a new home on […]

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