So You Wanna Be A Writer? A YouTube series for your faces.

Of all the questions Scott gets asked over and over, at every con, every book reading, and every day by DM or Facebook message or email … among the most frequent is “What advice do you have for me? How do I become a writer?” In this video, he tells you how he did it. […]

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Origin Stories and Origin Stori

Earlier in the month I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down to chat about all things Creative Adjacent with John Mierau. (Wait, stop right here. If you’re not yet familiar with John Mierau and his stories, then you are in for a treat when you’re done reading this post. Once you are, head over […]

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Dragon*Con 2015 Schedule

It’s time for one of our favorite cons, DragonCon in Atlanta, This year Scott’s all over the con, so catch him while you can. If you’re coming to the con, make sure you come see us, even if it’s at the Hilton bar!  We’ll see you soon! Fictional Writing and Skepticism Friday 9/4, 1:00pm • Hilton 207 / 206 / […]

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Why do you want it?

Entrepreneurs, by definition, try new things quite a lot. Taking a new path into an established market worked to get Sigler his first Big Five publishing contract with Crown/Random House, and taking a chance on publishing THE ROOKIE in hardcover was the first step towards what is now Empty Set. Is there any way to gauge […]

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New “Kindle Scout” program
echoes the 2001 iPublish model

As reported in Publisher’s Weekly, Amazon is will release ten titles from its Kindle Scout program. What is Kindle Scout? It’s a crowdsourced publishing platform. In the words of Kindle itself: Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books. It’s a place where readers help decide if a book gets published. Selected books will […]

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“Why can’t I buy an ebook/print book/audiobook of EARTHCORE?” is the question I most frequently get in the form of an aggressive email. Sometimes folks think it’s some kind of marketing ploy we’re running. Sometimes they think we’re holding out until big publishing gets smart and buys it. Mostly they are frustrated because they don’t […]

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Kickstarter & publishing: good or bad?

As reported at Galleycat, Kickstarter released donation stats for 2014. Two of the categories that matter most to us here at Empty Set Entertainment are “Publishing” (obviously) and “Journalism.” I kind of lump those two things together when talking about the book biz. It’s all wordz, baby. From the Galleycat article: The crowd sharing company revealed […]

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Empty Set at Balticon 48!

Balticon 48 starts today at the Hunt Valley Inn in Maryland. If you’re attending, here’s where to find us! (Also, in the evenings we’ll be easily found at #barcon in the lobby. Stop by and say howdy!) Start Time Room Panel Description Panelists Friday, May 23, 2014 5:00pm Salon A Monsters vs. Aliens Marv Zelkowitz […]

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