AB Sigler

About AB Sigler

I'm the Director of Døøm here at Empty Set Entertainment, and a contributing blogger at MadArtLab.com. I consider myself a “Creative Adjacent” — helping creative people be more productive and prolific by managing the logistics of Making for the masses. I'm a science nerd, a rabid movie geek, and an unrepentantly voracious reader. I don’t like chocolate all that much.

End of an era: SiglerFest is COVID Canceled.

Photo by Bruce Press Photography

The way this year has gone, it’s not as surprising as it might have been.

But it’s still sad: SiglerFest X is officially canceled. And since it was to be our last SiglerFest due to an ever intensifying writing schedule, it’s also the end of SiglerFest.

Trust me, as bummed out as that might make you feel, it’s been a heavy hit for us. SiglerFest has marked the last decade of growth for EmptySet and for Scott and I: professionally, of course, but also personally.

SiglerFest has become, as I say, “the best family reunion I never knew I needed,” so it’s terribly hard to let it go now, when we have no idea when family reunions will be a thing again. And we know we’re not the only ones missing the feeling of being surrounded by your peeps: it’s all of us, for a million reasons.

But the Siglers are nothing if not forward looking! After a whole lot of thought, we realized that the only thing that could combat the anticipation of a wait that could be years longs was to stop waiting. We’re going to move forward in this novel timeline the only way we know how: making cool things for cool people, connecting however we can until we can connect with other humans again!

We’re such lucky people: We get to continue to create here in lockdown, bringing you long-promised stories and connecting weekly live.

Here’s to 2021, and hoping the best is yet to come!

This post courtesy of our GoDaddy Promo Code page.

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Sheltering in Place? Free eBooks for you!

15h Anniversary of Empty Set Entertainment

On March 24, 2005, Scott Sigler released his first podcast (episode 1 of EARTHCORE). Here we are, fifteen years later, still kicking out weekly content. To celebrate our crystal anniversary, we’re giving away a crap-ton of eBooks in hopes Scott’s work can help entertain people sidelined by the CORONA-19 pandemic.

Links to download the 12-book bundle:
Link one (served from Google Drive)
Link two (served from Libsyn)
Link three (served from our site)

The links are for a .zip file that contains the books, which themselves are .zips containing ePub and Mobi formats. It’s tricky to open .zips on a smartphone, so be ready to open these on a computer in order to get them onto your phone.

Don’t know how to read ePub?  Here’s a handy article by Tim Fisher at Livewire to walk you through it.

Scott has always said the goal of his work is to help people escape their real-world troubles, if only for a few minutes at a time. Whether you’ve read these works or not, feel free to share them with anyone you know who is affected by the pandemic. Money is tight for a lot of people, and many of those same people have an unexpected bit of time on their hands. We hope these books give people a momentary break from their difficulties.


  • THE ROOKIE eBook
  • THE ALL-PRO eBook
  • THE MVP eBook
  • THE RIDER eBook
  • BLOOD is RED eBook
  • BONES are WHITE eBook
  • A sneak peek PDF of the first fifty pages of EARTHCORE

We’ll do our part by keeping these download links live until this crisis is behind us. You all do your part by staying in, staying safe and Spreading the Stank™ from a reasonable social distance.

Our partnership with AuthorLoyalty made it possible to get updated files for this bundle. Plus, they have sweetened the pot by offering a passel of free audiobooks. Feel free to share these with your friends and family.

The only way out is through, and we’ve got to get through it together.

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Stan Lee, 1922 – 2018

Stan Lee died today.

Stan Lee was a remarkable creator and a dedicated advocate of his chosen genre. He spent his life being an ambassador for the work he loved, which is loved in turn by millions around the world. It’s easy to recognize what a gift that was to the rest of us, but I have little doubt it was just as fulfilling for him.

I was not a big comic book reader as a kid. Of course, I knew about the Marvel superheroes, and the Incredible Hulk was on the television once a week, suffering through his tortured existence and scaring the bejeezus out of wee little me. So I knew about comic book heroes, even if I wasn’t much into the comics themselves.

Of course, these days I bet there are folks who don’t even realize the Fantastic Four or Spidey were ever part of a physical comic book, but just know them from their many origin-story movies. Same with the Incredible Hulk. Stan Lee created characters that people discovered on television, in movies, reading graphic novels, comic books or cartoons. Even live-action entertainment … Marvel Universe Live anyone? Once discovered, Stan Lee’s creations are loved and admired for years and years.

That is undeniably a mark of a stellar and varied career, remarkable by itself. Once you add some metrics around how loved and admired Stan Lee’s cast of characters really are, it’s humbling and awe-inspiring. It’s a helluva thing to have added “with great power comes great responsibility” to the nerd lexicon, and even moreso to have had a decades long involvement with it, and so much love and acknowledgement for these creations. As a partner at a very small entertainment company, it’s also motivating and inspirational.

At Empty Set, we see our job as “making cool things for cool people” and we take our work very seriously. Even when that work is silly, or funny, or obviously not real here on Earth. Entertaining is essential work, I have no doubt. As Stan Lee said himself, “entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it, they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain, you’re doing a good thing.”

Farewell, Stan Lee. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. Excelsior!

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This is why we can’t have nice Kindle Unlimited things.

According to Amazon, “Kindle Unlimited is a subscription that allows you to access a large selection of titles from the Kindle Store. You can keep up to ten titles to read on any Amazon device or Kindle reading app and there are no due dates.” It’s meant to give readers incentive to try new things, […]

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Should more authors go “audio only”?

Last month, this BBC article was all over my social media, talking about authors moving to an audio-only model.

I get it. I do. Seems super appealing for several reasons:

  1. Goodness is it a lot of work to make an audiobook.
  2. Audiobooks are enjoying a surge in popularity.
  3. Streamlining your formats makes more time for more writing.
  4. More writing makes more product for the now-self-streamlined marketplace.

And, ultimately, choosing an audio-only release format also has less competition than the ebook-only marketplace AND you have more control with less gatekeepers.

Audiobooks are far and away the biggest revenue generator for Empty Set, so much so that we are already discussing options for Scott’s next contract with Big Publishing — will we be allowed to keep the audio rights? Who knows, but as the marketshare grows, that likelihood diminishes.

Here’s the thing, though: I can’t understand why you’d limit yourself unless you had to do so. In the article I mentioned above, several authors participated in what was specifically an audio-only project. That makes sense to me as an interesting undertaking for the writer and a format-exploring treat. I could see writers flexing their minds differently given an audio-only format and it sure seems like it would be fun for everyone, writers and readers alike.

But only audio when the world’s readers love to endlessly debate the best format for consumption?  When we still have legions of folks who consider the treeware option to be the only true option?  When so many folks have smart phones and could read your work anywhere, even if it’s too loud to listen to the audiobook?  Just doesn’t make sense for a small business, which is just what a self-published author is at the end of the day.

I talk all the time about how Empty Set is a small business. A very small business. We work very hard to be successful at our job of making cool things for cool people. And I can’t think of a single reason to take away avenues to get those cool things to the aforementioned cool people. More is more. Simple as that.

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Achievement unlocked: EARTHCORE is put to bed!

I talk all the time on this blog about the ins-and-outs of running our small business. And how small our small business actually is — we’re a two-person shop. Granted, we’re lucky to have great contractors who we count on to help us bring things out into the world, but when it comes to choosing […]

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2017 Year In Review

As 2017 comes to a close, as happens every year, I can’t help but look back on what we accomplished this year. Since my job as the Creative Adjacent is to manage logistics of our work, I tend to think in numbers: miles flown, projects accomplished, words written, books & t-shirts sold.

It’s always a moment when I’m partially surprised, a little exhausted, and certainly very proud.  This year we finally added a European Tour to the Sigler Map, and it was a delightful time. You European Junkies sure know how to make a tiny bridge publishing house feel super welcome!

Our goal at Empty Set is simple: make cool things for cool people. If that’s several books and three new t-shirts, plus a handful of “hanging out with Scott Sigler” memories — as it was in 2017 — we’re happy with that. It’s good work, and it puts good things out into this increasingly fraught universe.

That said, if in 2018 we can add “TV pilot” or “sold screenplay” or something a little more visual to the list of things we accomplished, that’s surely good too, right?  So we’ll add that to our 2018 list.

What’s on your list of things you’d like to accomplish in 2018?

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Happy holidays!

Today I stopped on my way into the office to drop off mail. This time of year the post office is always crowded and the staff probably do without all the free time and breaks that they are afforded during other times of the year. Other times that are not the holidays.

This particular post office is quite close to the office, and this time of year I am there pretty much every workday, dropping off goods purchased in our online store. That’s how the month of December works for my small business where I sell things, and it’s the way the giant business of the post office works too.

Here’s my favorite part — today everyone was happy to be there, happy to have a big ol’ line first thing in the morning, and happy to chat with people sending out holiday greetings and presents. To be honest, the staff at this post office are lovely folks all the time. They know my dogs by sight and by name, and they are always pleasant and happy to chat a bit while we’re transacting. But this time of the year some of them are doing it in Santa hats, or wearing Christmas light necklaces. Since Hanukkah starts tomorrow, someone was giving out little chocolate gelt.

It was a great reminder that life offline is often lovely and fun and unexpected and graceful. I know life online can be that way too, but it’s nice to see folks being congenial and friendly in one of the very places things are supposed to be hectic and angry this time of year.

Here’s your gentle reminder: if you’re a gift giver, gift giving starts tomorrow for Hanukkah, and pretty much keeps up until the new year. Still time to get a few last minute items for the folks you love! And when you head to your local post office to send them off to points else, be sure to enjoy the holiday cheer (and maybe spread some of your own!)

If you are looking for a great cyber-gift for the chattiest person you know, consider a domain just for them! Check out our sponsored GoDaddy Coupon page, where you can get a new domain for just 99 cents using the code CJCSIGLERC. Check it out!

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Small Business Saturday

Today is Small Business Saturday. The ideas is that you shop small businesses like ours and support small, local folk who will put money and heart back into your community. We are a pretty small business, and we always appreciate folks who support us. This year we’re not doing a Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday sale, and I’ll be honest, it’s a nice break and a little weird.

We’ve done big things and small things in years past. This year we’re sitting back and letting some of our retail partners do the heavy lifting, with Amazon and Audible putting our titles on sale today and over the weekend.

The holidays are always an interesting time for us at Empty Set, because we already price our merchandise fairly competitively, so it’s hard to make a big splash with a “50% Sale! One Day Only!” or something like without losing money on the merchandise. But sometimes that’s just fine to do. Car dealerships use loss leaders to great effect, and we’ve done the same in the past. We bundled the first four GFL books in paperback a couple of years ago and that went gangbusters.

I love shopping the sales this weekend, as a consumer. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber — I’ll take them all! I know some deals are barely deals, but I still love it for trying new things. That said, when I want or need something, I rarely wait for a potential upcoming sale. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I love to take a risk on something. Two years ago I bought my beloved Instant Pot, and last year I tried coconut oil. Both were wins.

How do you shop at this time of year? It is different than the rest of the year?



This holiday shopping post is sponsored by our great sponsored GoDaddy Coupon page. If you haven’t heard, you can get a new domain for just 99 cents using the code CJCSIGLERC. Check it out!

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